Inaugural Blog Post
29 Feb
Written By Alex Milne
Welcome to my blog. draws on the fifty climatic cycles within the Quaternary. The Quaternary is a period of our recent geological past which has seen fifty major glacial cycles from expansion to retreat. Currently, we are in an interglacial and hence warming. Had you been asked this question in the 1940s or 50s, you could have been told that we were colding and heading into another ice age. I am less concerned about getting warmer than I am about the real concerns we could tip into Global Colding, related to reconfiguring oceanic currents. Given Earth’s climatic gyrations, I am sceptical that we can, through human intervention, be confident of influencing the climate. If you want to read more deeply into the alternative view I encourage you to download the Shrinking Glacier Conundrum in the book section